Delmarva Report

WBOC TV-16 - Delmarva Report (February 14, 1997)


Originally aired February 14, 1997; 12:00 p.m. on WBOC

Recorded February 14, 1997; 12:00 p.m. from WBOC

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(Hover over images for more info, right-click > open image to view in full-size)


This recording is from the noon installment of WBOC TV-16's Delmarva Report from February 14, 1997.

I can't imagine this page is too exciting for anyone outside of the receiving area for WBOC but I decided to showcase it anyway. It's not very often I come across many Valentine's Day recordings of anything so even local news from that date is somewhat interesting to me. In an age where every local station around here sticks to bland, high-budget graphics packages, it's really neat to see stuff like that crummy old Valentine's Day still that looks as if it were made in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Embedded is some local advertising taken from this installment of the Delmarva Report.

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Page created: May 24, 2021 | Last updated: July 20, 2021